I am Hassan "Hahz" Terry


The fastest way for me to teach everyone how to become spiritually wealthy was to create a game called Solana memecoin game called LOVE.

πŸƒ Web5 purpose creator economy LOVE game teaches players how to become spiritually wealthy by helping others remove the middleman to earn more and help playas find their purpose while earning πŸ’―.

πŸ“œ We don’t need to focus on building individual business brands on Web5. πŸͺ„ Instead, we unite as one worldwide tribe and support each other on-chain and on social media with LOVE money. The more people onboarded to Web5 that use LOVE money, the more spiritual wealth is created.

πŸͺ¬ Don’t trust, verify:

♻️ Only exchange currency with those with verified πŸͺ¬ LOVE on-chain, and you will never be scammed.

πŸ’° Earn πŸ’― by accepting LOVE money for your real estate, services, or products with $0 middleman fees.

πŸͺ The πŸ₯‡ highest NFT β€œThe Merge” sold for $91.8M; πŸ₯ˆ "First 5000 Days" sold for $69.3M; πŸ₯‰ "Clock" sold for $52.7M.

πŸ‘€ Find other playas on XO.HAHZ.live (Nostr) Web5 X, Hahz.xyz (Nostr) Web5 Reddit, Web5 Discord channels, HAHZ.live Telegram, and on social media posting HAHZ memes. #hahzmeme #web5

πŸ’– The amount of LOVE sent to others on-chain equals your Web5 credit score.

🏦 Phantom App Wallet βž– Web5 Bank Account

πŸ“W3W (What3Words.com) App βž– 3-word 🌍 worldwide address system you can own, sell, or stake as an LUV NFT.

πŸͺ™ βž– Start with a $25 donation and I will airdrop a branded Web5 biz ad with a marketing strategy built into the smart contract.

πŸ†” βž– Web5 social media avatar LUV NFT lets everyone know you’re a real πŸ’– one with a verified donation.

πŸš€ Boost your Web5 biz on social media πŸ›’ .23 $SOL

πŸ“Ί Web5 Tribe Socials:

  • πŸ…°οΈ Ads βž– @arvrtise
  • 🏒 Real Estate βž– @creclub
  • πŸš— Auto βž– @carw3w
  • πŸ” Food βž– @foodw3w
  • ✈️ Travel βž– @travelw3w
  • πŸ’– Health βž– @healxyz
  • πŸ’ˆ Hair βž– @hairw3w


πŸ›’ POS βž– Branded Solana POS

πŸ“πŸ›’ W3W POS βž– Branded Solana POS mapped to a W3W domain


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